Women Sexual Health: All That You Need to Know
Women are more prone to sexually related health complications than men. At any woman will get educated on how to remain sexually healthy and the best products to use at all times. There are some factors, both social and biological, that put women at a higher risk of getting infected or having difficulties.
The female genitalia is very delicate hence creating a more accessible pathway for viruses and bacteria, sores are easily visible compared to men, and lastly, women tend not to display symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. The following are facts that you need to know about women sexual health.
Some STIs Do Not Exhibit Symptoms
There are some very serious STI that are silent. You may be suffering from them, but you do not have any symptoms. It is, therefore, vital that you get tested on a regular basis. Sadly, these STIs with no signs have been known to cause severe damages to the reproductive system.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), chlamydia and syphilis are examples of STIs that you could be suffering from them but do not exhibit their symptoms. Once they become full-blown, this is when you realize that you had them. The side effects that can prove you are suffering from STIs are infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and pelvic inflammatory diseases. You should also know that condoms will never protect you from all the sexually transmitted diseases.
Do a Pap Smear Annually
Pap smear is used to test for signs of cervical cancer. A speculum is inserted in the vagina and a gynecologist takes cells using a swab. These cells are then checked for abnormalities. The test may cause physical discomfort though it is not painful.
It is essential that the Pap smear test is done because a lot of cervical cancer cases have been linked to HPV. Other cases of STIs cannot be detected using a Pap smear test.
The Vagina is Self-Cleaning
The vagina cleans itself and you should, therefore, avoid soap that is heavily scented when cleaning it. Preferably, just use mild soap and water. Soap that is heavily scented will likely temper with the pH, moisture and bacteria balance of the vagina resulting in infections. Secondly, anytime you notice a change in the smell of the vagina, seek medical advice. An unusually strong odor is a sign of infection.
Untreated STIs Can Lead to Infertility
It is recommended that you go for regular checking because a lot of STIs when left untreated, can cause infertility. You should never wait until there is a discharge or discomfort to seek treatment.
The STIs can cause infertility through cervicitis, the inflammation of cervix, blocking of the Bartholin glands which aid is lubrication of the vagina and ectopic pregnancy, a scenario where the development of the embryo takes place outside the womb.
Birth Control Methods can be Problematic
A lot of birth control methods work through manipulation of the hormones. Once the hormones are manipulated, ovulation does not take place. However, some of the hormones that are manipulated are important in your sex drive. SBHG reduces the testosterone levels which in turn reduces the sex drive and overall woman’s sexual health.…